Calypso - Point Recall with Loop

This is an excerpt from the Calypso Handbook

This will create a wall thickness 360° around the part top and bottom 8 points each.


Plane1 – Top Plane used for Spatial and Z zero

Circle1 – Used as X & Y origin

Cylinder1 – Inside Diameter – 16 Points (2 sections of 8 points)

Cylinder2 – Outside Diameter – 16 Points (2 sections of 8 points)

Point1 – Inside diameter 16 points with LOOP

Point2 – Outside diameter 16 points with LOOP

Measure and create the Base Alignment.

Measure the Cylinders 1 & 2 as shown above.

Create LOOP

The Points are created. We will do that next.

Select a Point from the Feature pull-down menu.

Above is how the dialog box will look when finished. The X Nominal should be the radius of the inner diameter.

Under Options select Recall Feature Points.

Now Highlight Cylinder1 and right click. Select Add Range Limits.

Now pick the first icon on that dialog named New Point.

Right Click on Point box and select Formula.

Now click on Loop button. This will add LOOP1

Click OK to exit back to the Point1 dialog box.

Click on Comment

Right click on the comment input box and select Formula and select the Loop button.


Repeat the above steps for Point2. This time select Cylinder2, the outer diameter. The X Nominal should be the outer diameter radius.

Report Characteristic

Create a 2d Polar Distance

 Enter Point1 and Point2 with the Primary Datum as Plane1. This will make the 2d Polar normal and parallel to the top plane.

The report will show the wall thickness at 16 places.


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